mAiN ]
[ aZn cHaT ] [ aZn pIcZ ] [ dRaGoN pIcZ ] [ cAr pIcZ ] [ mIsC pIcZ ] [ aZn pOeMz ] [ LyRiX ] [ SiGn GuEsTBoOk ] [ ViEw GuEsTBoOk ] [ dOwNLoAdZ ] [ [ LiNkZ ]
aZn pRiDe
Asian pride is in my mind, Asian blood is in my kind, so step aside and let me through, cuz it's all about the Asian crew, Asian luv is all around, for my fellow Asians never let me down, show your pride and say it true, cuz Asian blood flows through you..
aZn rEpReSeNt
Asians have always been peaceful, and kept to themselves for years
That's because we couldn't look away our fears Now we have a larger population Allowing us more communication It's a new culture, a new era It's time for us to come out To show the world what we're all about We all follow the teachings and beliefs of Confucious and Buddah Raised with Pride, Honor, Respect and Charisma We were brought up good, kind and caring But because of our society, some of us changed ourselves to bad, mean and daring Now Asians are the new talk of the news Us and our gangs and our kick back crews We're the baddest race to step the earth and that's a fact It's not white, hispanic, it's not even black White's sterotype, we have slanted eyes and study too much We don't give a fuck about such and such Hispanics calls us chinks, gooks and fobs They're just jealous, cause we make fun of their jobs White's and their fuckin kkk shit We ain't scared, we ain't terrified a bit Hispanics and their beaner gangs We don't give a fuck, we just drive by and BANG! BANG! BANG! Whites try to discriminate us in every possible way We don't give a fuck we don't care what they say Beaners try to pick on us and try to have fun They keep forgetting who has the bigger guns It's all about pride, if your Asian, without no Asian Pride You don't belong with us, you might as well step in to the other side We have the most money and we're the smartest race With our brains we can can control the entire place
aZn pRiDe 4 eVa
Asian pride 4 eternity
We r Asian, We are proud In one voice, we shout out loud our voices in da wind will neva have died When we yell out Asian pride Ever since the start us Asians have fallen apart but this day in age is when we display our Asian Pride It brings us together making us rise forever and ever and you can't stop what we've done cause face it, we've already won We know how to do things right we know how to put up a good fight It's our Asian Pride that helps the Asian side Each year has passed now it's time for you to see the Asians last cause we've got pride and Asians are on the rise So don't even try cause we'll make you cry Bend down and beg for the mercy you need bow down to the ones you should obey indeed We've done a great job taking over this city if you ain't Asian you've got my pity Cause I feel sorry for you for not being Asian true It's your own fault for being like this Asians are the ones who are truly blessed The Asians have already conquered this town when you talk to us better bow down cause you can't come up to us showing your own pride cause you know it's all about the Asian Pride
aZn pRiDe 2000
Azn Pryde may end in 2000
dont wurry doh, its not da end of fate cuz it lives on 4 eva n eva our guidance n hope, it will leave us neva our guidance 2 peace n paradyce our hope 4 raisin new azn lyfe azn pryde will b reborn in da new year where it wont b torn azn pryde still in me n u jesS lyke us, it also grew its gettin stronga every year helpin us overkum all of our fear so all da udda races betta recognyze myte wanna think twyce b4 u criticyze n 2 all of ma azn krew n fellow may ur skin alwayZ stay azn n yellow 4eva shall we b da very best azn pryde n buddha blesS we will alwayZ b da #1 race so show ur pryde n take ur place in da newest year wit luck n glory u must past on dis azn poem or story 2 show every1 u have azn pryde dont sit on ur ass n try 2 hyde dis iz jesS da beginning n wuz neva da end cuz thru new azn lyfe, azn pryde we will send even when we grow old n die azn pryde will live on, let me tell u y azn pryde iz lyke a ghost neva will it go away at da very most a ghost iz a spirit dats already dead it neva goze away jesS lyke i sed azn pryde iz good n fair wesS, north, easS n south, its everywhere azn pryde thru all da yearZ has been on our cyde thru smyleZ n tearZ azn pryde iz da new generation so dont give me no hesitation azn pryde iz our lyte n sign cuz its now azn pryde of 2001 !!!!
i aM tHa dRaGoN
I am tha unquenchible fire
tha centre of all energy, thA stout herioc heart I am truth and light, I hold tha power of glory in ma sway ma presence disperses dark clouds to tame tha fates I am thA dRaGoN... |
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